About MBM





MBM Advies is an independent office specialized in consultancy for construction-related issues and assistance in the development of buildings and process related issues.

MBM Advies provides guidelines, supervises and monitors this process providing the client the right tools controlling the building process.

My personal view is that not only a thorough involvement of the projectmanager is required, but the involvement of all project members determines the success. MBM Advies thus offers not only process knowledge, but also the architectural expertise to control communications and technical issues between advisors and client and therefore capable of handling complex issues in both the development and implementation of projects in an efficiently way.

For more information or an exploratory meeting please be free to take contact.

The building manager not only define the project, but is involved in the entire process from initiative up to delivery and occupation of the project.

He takes control of the process, is directing all participants including consultants, contractors and architects, representing the interest of the client, calculates and monitors the formulized demands and wishes and thus provides an efficient combination of the aspects Time, Money, Quality, Information and Organisation.

The building manager as an independent advisor takes care of deviding tasks and duties to the different partners and taking upon him the business aspects.  A systematic approach provide tools for making the complexity manageable and helps to establish the desired result.

Acts as partner and confidant for and on behalf of the client and controls the building process including the stakeholders to the desired project outcome.

The building manager can be seen as the catalyst for the team and is responsible for ensuring an optimal team spirit and motivation. Importantly, the building manager understands the forces in and arround the project and is responding accordingly. He constantly focuses on the environment and takes account of the interests of stakeholders and others involved.

A project is unique because of its own characteristics. Not only the temporary aspect, but also the diversity of disciplines within the building process and often one-off collaboration between project stakeholders requires attention and an efficient use of available recources.

A project never stands alone and always experience influence of its environment.

The interweaving of design and implementation aspects within the building process, particularly the management aspects Time, Money, Quality, Information and Organization, are that great that a decision by one of the parties has immidiate effect on one of the others parties. Precisely here in lies the complexity of a building project and the need for proper management

A good cooperation between the various members is of equal importance for a succesful project than the use of knowledge and expertise. Not only the interests of the client, but also the interests of the project advisors and not to forget interests in the immediate project environment should be taken into consideration.

This is only possible if all project members feel responsible for achieving the end result and hence the work of a co-advisor.

Building equals collaboration!

Not only a thorough involvement of the building manager with the project, but also the involvement of the various project advisors determines the final result. Involvement equals an open mind, being accountable for what co-advisors offer or question. Then an joint effort and getting to work.

The building manager sees to a joint effort and responsibility by all project members.

Clients range from developers, property owners, investors, associations of owners of private initiative takers in both the business and private sectors. National and International.

Born in ’67. After studying engineering at TU Delft, worked 20 years as a project manager, construction manager and office manager at various facilities and architectural firms in the construction sector. Experience gained in large and small scale utility projects, residential construction, interior and renovation.

Thorough technical knowledge of building and construction process.
Innovative and solution.
Cooperative and collaborative.
Personal involvement.
Business and environment conscious.

“Success lies in trying to understand each other, not only listen to what anyone tells but find out what someone means!

A systematic approach is a good tool to make the complexity of a project manageable and helps in the realization of the intended project results. However the building manager should hold, not only the pre-defined requirements and demands of a project in picture, but should especially focus on the question ‘why’.

My objective is  looking for challenging and complex projects and thus contribute to the creative process called ‘building’.


MBM Advies focuses primarily on the management of construction projects, architectural guidance, consultancy and supervision.
The quality of these services is focused on a personal commitment combined with ingenuity, creativity and a businesslike approach. Supported by a unique bundle of knowledge and experience.

As delegated client MBM Advies focuses on professionaly managing the entire building process. MBM Advies accompanies the client from start up to commisioning and advises on the issues and risks that are bound.Primairy task is to ensure an efficient building process (making the project manageable).Core activities:

  • Initiate activities.
  • Drawing up plans for Time, Quality, Organazation and Information aspects.
  • Sunstantive coordination.
  • Ensure implementation of defined activities.
  • Monitoring the aspects Time, Quality, Organazation and Informations.
  • Chairing and calling meetings.
  • Informing project stakeholders.
  • Motivate project members.
  • Preparation of progress reports and decision documents.

When acting as supervisor MBM Advies is representing the client from start realisation to commisioning the project. The supervisor sees on contracted arrangements and watches the final output.

Core activity of an supervision is monitoring contracted arrangements and implementation according to administration  aspects Time, Money and Quality. He also sees on clear communication between involved parties during construction up to commissioning.


  • Information management and documentation.
  • Preperation of financial reports.
  • Chairing of (building)meetings, monitor progress, quality and budget.
  • Directing stakeholders, including contractors and consultants

Besides a role as delegated client MBM advies advises the clients during the design and implementation phase where the clients keeps representative in the process itself. Tasks are dependent on the wishes and demands of the clients and can vary from process managements to provide technical, substantive knwoledege, structural support during the entire process.

Primary role is supporting at decision making and the delivery of substantive knowledge and expertise.


  • Inspections.
  • Request for applications procedure.
  • Drawing works.
  • Cost consultancy. Quantity Surveying
  • Tendering.
  • Supervision/monitoring.
  • Deliveries.
  • Aftercare.

Why MBM?

Added Value



MBM ADVIES as project manager brings in a professional and systematic approach of building and provides leadership and controls the process from initiative to commissioning, taking into account the interests of the clien

Project management is often an inhouse arrest or assigned to an architect or an contractor. This stalling the building process all too often. Lack of communication and exchange of knowledge leads to unnecessary costs and loss of quality.

As an independent party, I catch off the engineering and business issues that follow throughout the process and ensure an appropriate cooperation of all involved parties.

Managing starts with defining the project followed by guidance throughout the process of initiation, design, contracting, realisation and commissioning the building.

This approach is not expensive, nore takes more time, but saves costs and ensures a project within time, budget and quality as desired.

Building project management is to control, supervise and monitor the process surrounding the development and realization of a construction project. This  leads to a manageable, more efficient development and better collaboration among project stakeholders.

The characteristics of a project determine that a good cooperation between the various members is of equal importance for a succesfull project that the use of knowledge and expertise. Not only the interests of the client, but also the interests of the project advisors and not to forget interests in the immediate project environment should be taken into consideration.

This is only possible if all project members feel responsible for achieving the end result and hence the work of a co-advisor.

Building equals collaboration!

Realizing building is more than just a technical matter. Many other aspect play an segnificant role in a successful outcome and the achievement of objectives.

The original role of the architect, acting as a builder, has changed due to the increasing complexity of the process and made way for independent consultants within the process. This requeres a joint effort of all actors within an unique context

A project cannot be taken appart from its surroundings. Many (f)actors directly or indirectly affect the process.

Advisors and parties never completely independently  represent the interests of the client. The architect and agency have for example besides the importance of their client also interest in making a beautyful design or marketing.

When realising projects the principal is taking the risks. This is an important reason for using a central contact, being an independent consultant that has substantive knowledge of construction and is also responsible for managing the project process (using management tools).

Experience shows that within the building process people are not communicating enough. This is caused by the many stakeholders included, the time pressure, individual interests and backgrounds of those involved. This often translates into an inefficient process and therefore unnecessary costs.

This therefore requires a clear and unambiguous communication.

Not only a clear exchange of technical infomation, project content and communication but also focus on the relational aspect of our communication contributes to an efficient process.

Finally, building equals cooperation

Working with the right documents and final data is essential in a complex enviroment such as the developing process. Partly due to this complex subject area is the use of appropriate content knowledge, communication and control of management aspects Time, Money, Quality and appropriate exchange of information between project stakeholders and the adminstration of appointments of intrest to the project to achieve results.

The building manager will ensure proper accounting and financial reporting including information sharing, minutes, project reviews, decision documents, project audits, archiving, etc.

Building management provides a way of developing the building process in an most effcient way.

It means guidance, coaching and monitoring the process surrounding the development and realization of a building project. With the help of project management the client recieves insight, clarity and control over the process.

Building management leads to a manageable, more efficient development and better collaboration among project stakeholders.

The building manager is responsible for a project where the client keeps the final control. He not only provides leadership, but controls the process from initiative to commissioning, taking into account the interests of the client.

The building manager will ensure an appropriate cooperation of all involved parties.

Building project management by MBM Advies earn itself back.

Infographic MBM

Accountability & process control



Maintenance & renovation

Private housing


